Announces that Sony PS Vita consoles will be available in the UK in October

Announces that Sony PS Vita consoles will be available in the UK in October An anonymous reader broke the news through the mail to the famous game site IGN, saying that a promotional advertisement of British movie and game rental seller BlockBuster stated the launch date of the new Sony handheld PlayStation Vita: both WiFi and 3G versions will be available on October 28. It is marketed in the UK.

The PS Vita WiFi version has a pre-sale price of 229.99 GBP, and the PS Vita 3G version has a pre-sale price of 279.99 GBP. The time-to-market portion of the PS Vita console subscription status of the company's website is still the TBA (To Be Announced, pending notification). The authenticity of the listing date remains to be further confirmed, and it may be due to an error in the operation of Blockbuster.

IGN contacted a Sony spokesperson. The other party only claimed that PS Vita will be listed on a global "phased" basis during the Christmas holidays. "Stagewise" refers to whether Sony will be revealed before Christmas or until the end of 2011.

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