Suggestions on the development of semiconductor lighting industry in China

Due to its advanced technology and wide application of products, semiconductor lighting has been recognized as one of the most promising high-tech fields. It is considered to be one of the important ways to achieve energy saving and emission reduction due to its obvious energy saving and environmental protection effects. . The development of semiconductor lighting is of great significance for accelerating China's economic restructuring, transforming growth patterns, further strengthening energy conservation and emission reduction, and responding to global climate change.

The development of the semiconductor lighting industry has received great attention from the Chinese government, the scientific and technological community and the industry. The Ministry of Science and Technology has continued to support LED technology and its industrialization for many years. At present, China's semiconductor lighting industry has entered a critical leap-forward development period, and the government will more actively support, guide and standardize the development of this industry.

First of all, from the perspective of supporting R&D, key technologies and materials, packaging, and equipment are the key points of support. Semiconductor lighting is a highly technical industry, and the development of key technologies and materials is crucial. In the past, we had technical bottlenecks in the power supply. The cost of purchasing foreign batteries is very high, which has a great impact on the application of LEDs. After solving this problem, the cost of LEDs has dropped a lot. Packaging should be the main direction of Chinese enterprises at this stage. Due to the wide variety of application requirements, the package is closest to the end users, and it can give end users more room for development. Chinese enterprises have great advantages in this respect, so the R&D team must carefully grasp the relevant technologies, products and applications of packaging. The core equipment is the focus of the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology. If semiconductor lighting products want to enter the homes of ordinary people, it is necessary to reduce costs, and the price reduction and efficiency improvement of key equipment have a great impact on the cost reduction.

Second, in addition to financial support for various R&D activities, the government must correctly guide the development of this industry. We should be soberly aware that there are still many technologies in semiconductor lighting that are still immature. The development of technology and the large-scale production and market development of products require joint action by multiple disciplines, multiple industries and even all sectors of society. One of the functions of the government is to promote integration, promote cooperation, and promote cooperation. By creating a better financial, market, talent training environment, and through the beneficial help of industry alliances, the enterprises in the upstream and downstream and closely related industries can Strengthen coordination, cooperation and development, and rapid growth. For example, one of the purposes of the Ministry of Science and Technology to promote the Ten Thousand Cities and Demonstration Project is to promote development through application, strengthen government guidance, promote demonstration projects, accelerate market formation, and guide and promote industrial development. In addition, semiconductor lighting provides a very good development opportunity for Chinese companies, especially SMEs. The long LED industry chain can drive a group of small and medium-sized enterprises to do so, so that these enterprises can develop rapidly and help China to ease employment problems in certain areas.

The third is the norm. In China, when the application prospects of a new technology become clear, it is easy to flock to the situation, which is slightly different from the rest of the world. For LEDs, the application fields are very wide, and the market demand is diverse. When there is a big market suddenly, the general supply side can't meet the market demand, and the companies will find the market separately. This is the reason why many small enterprises in China can survive. In general, in the end, those companies with comprehensive strength will win in the competition. However, in this process, it is necessary for the government to make efforts to formulate standards, regulate the market, encourage and encourage advanced enterprises to compete freely across regions, and promote technological innovation. Do a good job.

In the past three or four years, China's economic development and technological progress have created many miracles. Just like who would have thought 10 years ago, China can produce 10 million cars a year, and who can think of cars have begun to enter the homes of ordinary people in China. Semiconductor lighting is a typical high-tech field with rapid development and large market. We have the confidence and responsibility to let this economic miracle and technological miracle grow continuously in this land of China. And we also have the responsibility to promote the development of this most cutting-edge industry, and let China move from a semiconductor lighting power to a strong country. To this end, we must work together with colleagues at home and abroad to continuously learn new things and successful experiences from abroad. At the same time, we must continue to innovate with application as a breakthrough.

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