Alternative "black factory": industrial robots do not even need to turn on the lights

Recently, foreign media reported that the “machine substitution” strategy of a factory in Dongguan, China has achieved good results.

The factory has 900 machines, one machine can produce 400 mobile phone screens in 8 hours. In the past, each machine needed one employee. After the factory used advanced robots, a skilled worker supervised 18 machines. It is one tenth of three years ago.

At the same time as work efficiency has increased, the cost of factory personnel has also declined. This also saved the factory a large amount of electricity: because there are no workers, the factory does not even need to turn on the lights, the "black factory" nickname comes.

Alternative "black factory": industrial robots do not even need to turn on the lights

Improving efficiency and reducing costs are significant advantages of industrial robots compared to traditional manpower. This advantage is even more valuable when aging and the cost of personnel are rising rapidly. In the past decade, the average wage in mainland China has increased by a factor of two; China has entered an ageing equipment, and the trend of aging will further intensify, and workers of the appropriate age will be in short supply.

Alternative "black factory": industrial robots do not even need to turn on the lights

Xinsong's intelligent mobile robot

Under the dual pressure, China is planning to transform from a large manufacturing country to a smart manufacturing powerhouse. Policies are also promising for industrial robots. The phenomenon of “machine substitution” is frequent. For example, the Kunshan Foxconn factory in Jiangsu has introduced industrial robots. 110,000 fell to 50,000.

According to the data, in 2015, the sales volume of industrial robots in China was about 68,000 units, an increase of about 18% year-on-year. TrendForce Research Institute's research brand Tuoba Industrial Research Institute (TRI) estimates that the demand for industrial robots in China will increase to 95,000 in 2016. station.

Industrial robots are unstoppable. Due to the need to reduce costs and improve efficiency, factories should quickly replace employees with industrial robots. For ordinary employees, under the threat of industrial robots, they should actively learn technology and be able to control or repair industrial robots. Technical staff.

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