Immersive selection of home improvement material Hololens changes shopping experience

If you haven't tried HoloLens yet, chances of interacting with Microsoft's improved augmented reality device designed specifically for developers have increased dramatically, and it costs $3,000.

Lloyd's Store uses HoloLens to show users home improvement

Lowe's home improvement chain plans to expand pilots to allow consumers to wear a HoloLens hybrid reality head-mounted display to virtualize the kitchen in two to five stores. The news is Microsoft CEO Satya Na Satya Nadella announced at the Ignite Technology Conference on Monday that IT professionals will gather in Atlanta for a week-long meeting.

HoloLens products can significantly upgrade the shopping experience: Users have the ability to select a device or material sample from their Pinterest account, and purchase a matching similar product in the Lloyd's Store, and display it in a HoloLens holographic image.

The enhanced or mixed reality can be projected onto the image of the real world. Then, the user can manipulate these images with gestures.

“The mixed reality will take some time to become familiar because we are accustomed to magnifying the image to get close to the object, rather than simply walking forward.” at the press conference prior to Nadella’s presentation of the product, Lloyd’s Innovation Lab’s Executive Director, Kyle • Kyle Nel told the USA Today reporter that "trying and imaging a room with small samples and samples may seem dated."

As early as this March, Lloyd's added a HoloLens experience station in Seattle and Lolita, North Carolina. There are still three new locations not yet disclosed.

In addition to providing customers with a streamlined approach to the often-scratching task, Lloyd's can also capture valuable user data, identify the items that are most noticeable, and formulate inventory plans accordingly.

How HoloLens influences sales, although Nair did not provide details, he said that stores can offer HoloLens booking experience on weekends. Each store is equipped with a variety of devices.

"Over the years, we have been studying how people make decisions," Neil said, and his lab even asked science fiction writers to conceive future shopping experiences. "Our ultimate goal is for a couple to use their mixed reality technology at home to design their own kitchen together."

The realization of this vision will depend on the ever-changing cloud computing capabilities and the continuous reduction of the cost of equipment such as HoloLens.

Microsoft is always trying to use the power of cloud computing. Nadella also disclosed at the Ignite Technology Conference that it is promoting a partnership with Adobe, which will use Microsoft Azure as its preferred cloud platform to provide customers with marketing, creative and document services. Although Amazon’s AWS dominates the industry, Microsoft, Google, and others are also making progress with the cloud’s powerful data processing capabilities.

Enhanced or mixed reality devices rely heavily on cloud computing and sophisticated goggles, both of which are expensive, so HoloLens is only available to developers. When it comes to mass consumption of augmented reality technology, smart phones are more likely to become a priority experience client. The popular Pokemon Go this summer is the best proof.

HoloLens' computing power comes from the space-time head display. Unless the price of such augmented reality devices drops significantly, consumers are more willing to interact with these high-end devices in the company or university.

Microsoft has entered into business partnerships with Case Western University, where students use the device for medical research, and Thyssenkrupp, where maintenance personnel use the device to diagnose elevator failures. The Kennedy Space Center's "Destination: Mars" exhibition will lead visitors to outer space and use Microsoft and NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab as scientists. Developed HoloLens software to study this red planet.

In the end, analysts expect that augmented reality will overshadow the earlier virtual reality technology. The representative product of the latter is the headlights such as Oculus Rift or Samsung Gear VR, and it is generally degraded in the real world. According to Digi-Capital, by 2020, Augmented Reality will account for 75% of the total market of 120 billion.

Lowe's original HoloLens in-store demo allowed customers to create a virtual kitchen by retrieving goods on the directory. The more widely advertised feature is access to Pinterest (later also accessible to other social media platforms), allowing the technology to go a step further and help consumers see their thoughts applied to life in holographic form.

Joseph Sirosh, vice president of Microsoft Data Group, said, "Our goal is to create a new generation of user experience through smart data and machine learning."

Shiros added that users can adjust their mixed reality kitchen in a variety of ways, including changing the height of the island, moving cabinets, and changing the size of the device. All efforts are to create a more home-like environment. Kitchen.

"It takes time to make decisions, and it also brings pressure," said Xeros. “Our job is to continue to learn and help companies improve the consumer experience.”

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